How many years have you been involved with the Truck Convoy?
Probably about 10 years!
How did you first get involved with the Truck Convoy?
I was invited to help as an escort through some friends that I know from a safety group I belong to. Ever since then I was hooked!
What has kept you involved in the Truck Convoy to this day?
It’s the group of great volunteers that organize the event, the trucks, the truck drivers and all the pride they take in everything they do to help support Special Olympics.
What does Special Olympics mean to you?
It is great to see the Special Olympics athletes and the smiles on their faces when the trucks pull out and back in with the air horns blowing.
What are some of your favourite memories of the Truck Convoy?
Every year is a special/favourite memory for me!
Why should others get involved with the Truck Convoy?
It is a great event to support the transportation industry supporting Special Olympics. It is always heartwarming to see the end result of the total donations and the amount of fun everyone has in getting to that result.